Terms and Conditions




We are Sounds Resist, a non-profit organization founded in 2020 to preserve the Sounds Jazz Club, a music institution established in 1986. While jazz remains our core, we’ve expanded our program to encompass diverse musical styles and socially engaged projects, creating a vibrant “world music” scene. We offer two programs: Sounds Jazz Club and Sounds Resist, each with its own content but united by a passionate team.

Running a venue with six concerts per week is financially demanding. We are currently unsubsidized and prioritize offering local and, whenever possible, organic options in our bar and menu. This explains the potential difference between our artist fees and those of other institutions. Our current focus is achieving sustainability and progressively improving compensation for musicians.


Payment Deals


This section outlines our collaboration methods for artists performing at Sounds. You will fall under one of the following categories:


  • Fixed Price: Negotiated with the programmer at booking.
  • Standard Door Deal: You receive 70% of ticket sales (online and door) minus a 6% ticketing tax. Entry price is agreed upon with the programmer.
  • Jam Session Door Deal: You receive 80% of ticket sales (online and door) minus a 6% ticketing tax. Standard entry price is €5.
  • Residency Concert Deal: An agreement based on collaboration and promoting experimentation, you receive 80% of ticket sales (online and door) minus a 6% ticketing tax. The standard entry price is €5 for Echo Sessions. Other residency program prices are agreed upon with the programmer.


We operate on solidarity principles, offering reduced rates (-20%) for students, job seekers, and asylum seekers.


Sales details will be transparently emailed to you, including total tickets sold, tips (if any), and total income. Sounds Resist will provide email summaries within five working days after the concert.


We reserve the right to distribute up to 10 complimentary tickets and adjust prices at the venue to benefit concert profitability.


Security Net – Minimum Payment


We believe in providing a platform for artists and mitigating economic risks. Therefore, we offer a minimum payment of €160 per musician and up to €480 for groups exceeding three musicians, regardless of ticket sales. This minimum applies to Door Deals and Jam sessions not to Echo Sessions and Residency Programs.




Other Payment Conditions


  • Unisono (author’s rights) costs are covered by Sounds Resist.
  • Payment will be made to one single invoice for the entire group.
  • We reserve the right to not use IAA (Indemnité des arts amateurs) as a remuneration method. We can process regular formal invoices or Smart/Amplo/Other providers contracts.
  • Payment will be processed within 15 working days after invoice receipt at sounds-resist@collectifs.net.


Performance Conditions


  • Setlists must be submitted with the artist information form or at the latest by the end of the concert to comply with Sabam/Unisono obligations.
  • Concerts typically start at 8 PM. The schedule is:
    • 5 PM: Artist arrival
    • 5 PM – 6:30 PM: Soundcheck
    • 8 PM: Concert
  • Artists are expected to arrive and comply with the schedule. Variations require prior discussion with the programmer.
  • A sound engineer will be present for the soundcheck if required by the concert’s technical arrangements. Any additional tasks beyond guaranteeing smooth performance (i.e. audio recording) will incur extra fees for the artist.
  • Use of technical equipment and instruments beyond performing on the agreed date must be approved in advance.
  • Artists will receive two drink tokens (redeemable for tap beer, wine of the house, or soft drinks) and a meal accommodating dietary restrictions.
  • Each group member receives one courtesy ticket, except for large ensembles (over 8 musicians) which require negotiation with the programmer.
  • Rehearsal time: Up to 3 hours can be granted within two weeks prior to the concert, subject to programmer approval and venue schedule.
  • Artists agree to promote the event on their social media and be tagged in Sounds Resist’s posts on their public profiles. They also agree to tag @Sounds.brussels or @SoundsResist accordingly in their own posts.
  • Standard concerts comprise two sets of 45-50 minutes each, with a 20-minute break between sets.
  • Musicians and producers agree to respect venue usage rules, including noise level limitations and closing times.
  • The club reserves the right to keep multimedia records of the performance and use it for communication purposes. No commercial exploitation will be pursued with this material.
  • All agreements that exceed the conditions outlined in this document, should be explicitly discussed with the programmer through the official channels of Sounds – production@sounds.brussels



Responsability limits


  • The organizer declines all responsibility for theft committed against the Producer and for acts of vandalism that may be caused to the Producer’s movable property, materials, and various equipment.
  • In the event of force majeure, the Agreement shall be terminated without either party being able to claim any compensation